Chill Crystals Bundle


In the Chill Crystals bundle of Sarah Belle Style, she included these five crystals that are known to reduce stress and anxiety so you can chill out and relax a little:


Amazonite - tranquility, peace, calming, relieves stress, resolves heart trauma, truth, integrity

Polychrome Jasper - supreme nurturer, comforting during times of high stress, wholeness

Blue Chalcedony - relieves hostility and irritability, balance, thinking before you speak

Howlite - calming, surrender, connecting to higher consciousness

Lepidolite - relieves anxiety and depression, stabilizes mood, promotes calming vibes

Each bundle also comes with a keepsake bag and a cute little card explaining the crystal properties.

* Healing crystal energy for soothing your nerves, reducing stress and anxiety and promoting a calm, peaceful state

* Exclusively curated by Certified Crystal Healer, Sarah Belle

* Makes a perfect gift for anyone interested in holistic living and raising their vibration

* Perfect for carrying with you throughout the day,

Made in United States of America

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