New Moon Crystals Bundle


In the New Moon Crystals bundle of Sarah Belle Style, she included five crystals that support setting intentions, growth and manifestation.


Moonstone - intuition, hormonal and emotional balance, dream recall, wholeness, flow

Green  Aventurine - stone of opportunity, prosperity, optimism, vitality, growth

Quartz - amplifies though and intention as well as energy of other stones, imparts positive vibes

Citrine - promotes abundance, success, happiness, energy, courage, confidence, joy

Amethyst - spiritual expansion, vision, meditation, relaxation, positivity

Each bundle also comes with a keepsake bag and a cute little card explaining the crystal properties.

* Healing crystal energy for soothing your nerves, reducing stress and anxiety and promoting a calm, peaceful state

* Exclusively curated by Certified Crystal Healer, Sarah Belle

* Makes a perfect gift for anyone interested in holistic living and raising their vibration

* Perfect for carrying with you throughout the day,

Made in United States of America

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