White Sage Bundle 4"


Wonderful way to cleanse a new or existing space!

White Sage is a powerful cleansing herb that has been used for centuries in Native American and other spiritual traditions. It is said to remove negative energy and purify the space.

Here are some of the benefits of using California White Sage Bundles:

  • Clear negative energies of spaces, people, or objects

  • Prepare people for ceremonies and teachings

  • Promote relaxation and well-being

  • Remove bacteria in the air

To use a White Sage Bundle, simply light the tip and gently blow out the flame. Then, walk around your space or around your body, waving the smudge stick to distribute the smoke. You can also fan the smoke with your hand or with a feather.

Safety Tips:

  • Be sure to open a window or door when you smudge to allow the negative energy to escape.

  • If you have any pets or allergies, be sure to smudge in a well-ventilated area.

  • If you are new to smudging, start with a small area and gradually increase the size of the area as you become more comfortable.

Made in the United States of America

Order your California White Sage Bundle today and start enjoying the many benefits of this powerful cleansing herb!

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