White Smudge Set: Abalone and White Sage


This White Smudge Set is the perfect way to cleanse and purify your home, office, or sacred space. The set includes a beautiful abalone shell, a California white sage bundle, and a wood stand.

Abalone Shell

Abalone shells are traditionally used as smudge bowls because they are believed to have a cleansing and protective energy. The abalone shell in this set measures approximately 4"-5" x 5"-6" and is a beautiful addition to any home.

White Sage Bundle

White sage is a powerful herb that is known for its cleansing and purifying properties. The white sage bundle in this set is approximately 4" long and is made with high-quality white sage from California.

Wood Stand

The wood stand in this set is a convenient way to display and use your abalone shell and sage bundle. The stand is made from natural wood and is approximately 4" long x 3" wide x 2" high.

How to Use

To use your white smudge set, simply light the end of the sage bundle with a match or lighter. Once the sage is lit, gently blow out the flame so that the sage is smoldering. Walk around your space, waving the sage bundle to distribute the smoke. You can also fan the smoke with your hand or with a feather.

Affirmation: "I cleanse and purify this space of all negative energy."

Repeat this affirmation as you smudge to help you focus on your intention of cleansing and purifying your space.

Enjoy the benefits of a cleansed and purified space with the White Smudge Set: Abalone and White Sage!

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